HOME LOAN DIARY REGISTRATION FORM: Home Loan Diary is being distributed under the shareware concept. What this means is that you are required to support the author if you find this program useful. Upon registration you will receive a personalized copy of the latest version. Registration for individuals is $20.00 within the U.S.A. Contact the author for site license details if Home Loan Diary will be used in a business on more than one PC. Indicate disk format desired: 5.25" 360K _____ 3.5" 720K _____ 5.25" 1.2Mb _____ 3.5" 1.4Mb _____ Name _____________________________________________________________________ Mailing address __________________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State __________ Zip Code ____________ Make U.S. funds payable to: Philip P. Kapusta 406 Monroe Avenue Falmouth, Va. 22405 U.S.A. HOME LOAN DIARY registration: $20.00 $______ Virginia residents, add 4.5% sales tax $______ Canadian addresses, add $1.00 shipping $ 1.00 $______ Overseas/foreign addresses, add $2.00 $ 2.00 $______ Total enclosed: $______